It’s noticeably warmer outside, it’s springtime, the sun is shining more often, and the clear blue sky is a delight for the eyes. Winter is inevitably retreating, handing over the reins to spring. Nature is waking up from a long sleep, and we are throwing off the winter blues together with it. And the best way to cope with this task is… sport.
After all, the snow is no longer an obstacle (if someone was looking for an excuse) and the air is warm enough. And you want to be more active in the fresh air. And a two-wheeled “horse” is the perfect option. Yes, yes, in our opinion, a bicycle is the best solution for outdoor activities. And there are many reasons for this.
Perhaps there is no particular need to talk separately about the benefits of cycling for women, men and children, since the beneficial effects are the same for everyone. And the only disadvantage that you can identify for yourself over time is addiction š
And that’s the first thing I’d like to start with:
Health benefits
This is the most important point on the list. Cycling is an optimal and balanced sport. Regular rides, for example, with an interval of one day a week and a long ride at the end of the week, will have a positive effect on your health and figure. So, by riding a bike, we:
Strengthen muscles
The resistance element of cycling helps to build muscle mass and strengthen muscles (legs, chest, back, arms) in general. They not only get a good shape, but also become more enduring.
Losing weight
Low-intensity, aerobic and consistent exercise is one of the most effective ways to lose weight. Cycling, for example, for an hour is enough to start losing those extra pounds and unwanted thigh deposits. Your body burns calories during the ride, as well as for some time afterwards. The main thing is to be careful not to overeat after the ride, so to speak – not to get off track.
Strengthening the cardiovascular system
Cycling is an excellent cardio workout that increases your heart rate and forces blood to circulate throughout your body. As a result, it is one of the types of exercise recommended as a healthy way to reduce the risk of developing heart disease. A study has shown that regular cycling can reduce your chances of developing heart problems by 50%.
Improve blood pressure
High blood pressure is a risk factor for heart attack. And cycling is one of the best exercises for lowering blood pressure because it helps your body circulate blood from your legs back to your heart.
Lower cholesterol
Cycling is one of the best ways to raise HDL cholesterol – the good cholesterol – and lower LDL cholesterol – the bad cholesterol. Just two months of regular cycling at an intensity that raises your heart rate but doesn’t make you out of breath is enough to increase your HDL cholesterol by 5%.
Prevent varicose veins
Today, it is no secret that people suffering from varicose veins are very beneficial to make rotational movements with their legs, which causes active circulation of blood through the vessels, preventing stagnation. A special exercise for the prevention of varicose veins is called cycling. Well, getting on a two-wheeler and really pedaling is the best thing you can think of to fight the disease. Especially when you consider that it is also good for the knee joints.

Strengthen the immune system
Cycling is an excellent stimulant for the immune system due to increased blood circulation and a kind of hardening. If you exercise regularly, you will be less susceptible to seasonal illnesses and save yourself from frequent visits to pharmacies.
Improving your health
Cycling has been proven to reduce stress levels by 40% and, as a result, can curb anxiety by producing the hormone of happiness. You concentrate your attention on the road in front of you, thus distracting yourself from problems, work or life, thoughts that bother you. Cycling can provide much-needed mental relief. Even 30 minutes of this pastime a day improves your mood and reduces the risk of depression.
Improve your sleep
An early morning bike workout is great for waking up. And regular cycling will help improve your sleep, which will ultimately have a positive effect on your overall health. Systematic cycling removes the stress hormone cortisol from the body, which prevents you from falling asleep when you are overworked. Thus, cycling can help you get rid of insomnia.
Improve lung function
Regular cardio exercises, such as cycling, can help keep your lungs healthy by improving air circulation. Frequent breathing actually forces the muscles that expand and contract your lungs to work harder, which promotes active elimination of toxins and reduces the risk of lung disease. Of course, the place you choose for your bike ride will also contribute to this.
Improve libido
Cycling strengthens the cardiovascular system and special muscle groups, which is a great way to prolong sexual desire and resist aging, for men to fight impotence, and for women to delay menopause for several years.

Fighting cancer
In general, exercise can reduce the risk of cancer, but cycling is one of the best sports for this purpose. One study found that cycling to work can reduce your chances of developing cancer by 45%.
Controlling diabetes
People with type II diabetes often experience poor circulation in the lower body, which can lead to swollen legs. Cycling is a great way to improve blood flow from the lower body, reducing swelling and pain in the legs. Since this workout forces muscle cells to consume glucose, it can also help people with diabetes regulate their blood sugar.
Improve your eyesight
Cycling is very beneficial for eye training. As you ride, your eyes focus and jump from object to object. Such exercises for the eye muscles reduce the risk of myopia and sharpen your vision.
Improve your posture
Good posture is important when cycling. It affects not only your comfort during long rides, but also your speed on the road and the risk of injury. And while developing the right posture on a bike takes some practice, it can reduce the risk of back pain.
Keeping you young
Studies have shown that regular cycling can reduce the signs of aging. The secret is that increased blood circulation allows your skin cells to receive nutrients more efficiently, get oxygenated, and eliminate toxins. It also helps to produce collagen, a substance that fights wrinkles. Just remember to use sunscreen when you go for a walk.

Let’s summarize the results
There are many more things that could be added to this already long list of benefits of cycling. Everyone can expand this list individually. One thing is clear: the benefits of cycling are obvious and undeniable.
If you have not yet become a happy owner of this unique mode of transportation, go to the store. Now is the time. The choice of bicycles is so great that you can choose one to suit any budget and taste, any needs: men’s and women’s, hybrid, mountain, universal, urban, children’s and teenage, road, extreme and even electric bikes.
So don’t miss the opportunity to enjoy the warm spring, and then summer, autumn (maybe there are those who like winter walks) days. Cycling can become your favorite pastime, you will want to get behind the wheel again and feel the wind on your face, catch the sun on your skin and enjoy the beauty of the world around you on a clear day.